iPhone: Outlook, Email, Bluetooth, and Other Things (Updated)

Following with more information on the iPhone, it has now been
confirmed that it will ship with support for Outlook synchronization on
Windows Vista/XP and read only support of PDF, Excel, and Microsoft
Word documents and email attachments, JPEG, GIF, BMP, and TIFF images
attachments as well as the inclusion of the Dock which will
be able to charge the optional iPhone Bluetooth headset.

The iPhone
does not support A2DP, despite being equipped with Bluetooth 2.0. The
iPhone will also have support for standard POP3 and IMAP mail servers
along with P-IMAP.




Update: AT&T has posted a new FAQ for purchasing iPhone, and Apple has posted a new video demonstrating the iPhone’s visual keyboard.

AT&T iPhone Purchase FAQ
iPhone Keyboard Video