Intel Chairman: 50 Million Under WiMAX By End of Year

At the Intel Developer Forum (IDF) keynote, Chairman Craig Barrett reaffirmed the position of WiMAX in the world. After noting the widespread interest in both developed and developing nations, he followed up with the note that WiMAX coverage will reach over 50 Million people by the end of the year.

IDF is an important show for Intel this year, as it will be the first mainstream push for the MID platform. The MID platform, or Mobile Internet Device encompasses a broad range of form-factors and devices that are geared at delivering a complete, compact mobile internet experience. Based on the Atom processor, MIDs will allow for lower-cost computing, while maintaining high mobility.

Both WiMAX and MID are designed to be sold together, and as such, Intel will be touting both throughout the show.

Our editor-in-chief is currently liveblogging the initial keynote by Craig Barrett.

Christopher Price is the Founding Editor of Today, he leads the team building Console, Inc. - a new kind of Androidâ„¢ device. He still likes to pontificate... a lot. You can visit his personal blog at

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