Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

4 responses to “Huawei Retracts Premia 4G Jelly Bean Update Plans”

  1. Tina Messing

    Bought the Premia with the knowledge of a jellybean update,ugh….Hauwei should apologize to the people like myself who purchased the smartphone thinking jellybean would soon be coming for it! It’s a nice phone and had I known of the “retracted statement” I would have not bought this particular phone as I at least wanted a smartphone that would run jellybean…..Trying to see now if Metro will swap for another phone that will be able to run jellybean….a word to my Chinese friends…..Do what you say, say what you mean, be clear please and don’t apologize to newspapers….think of your paying customers!

  2. Cyrus

    This sucks! I just bought this phone because I read this phone would get the jelly bean update. Jeez, my next phone will be the iPhone 5S.

    1. Carl

      Did you get your iPhone 5s ?

  3. tina messing

    Ok, so the big merger took place…..congrats to mega deal tmobile-metro… now does this mean we will be getting the jellybean update on our premias’ that we purchased thinking that jellybean would be available to us?