looks a bit different today, we changed around a lot. More on that in a minute, we have a new feed URL (with full content, too)!
We’ve just finished an all-nighter, making some improvements to Most of the changes are minor, cleaning up the new look-and-feel we rolled out a few months ago. However, there are a couple of more major changes.
Our home page has been redesigned. We had two things to keep in mind, one, search engines now discredit sites that have all their articles on one page. And, two, that we’ll have a lot more content coming soon (as we announced). We realize removing full article bodies from the home page might not be what everyone wants, so we are returning full content access to articles via RSS.
In order to make full-content RSS sustainable, we’ve moved away from Google FeedBurner, to our own internal solution.
Unfortunately, this means you may have to update your feed URL. If you aren’t seeing full article content, it’s time to update your URL. That new URL is:
If you are seeing full articles in your feed already, you don’t need to change a thing. But, odds are, you need to update your feed URL to the link above.
As if full articles in-the-feed isn’t enough reason to switch, we’ll also be running giveaways and other RSS-exclusives in the near future. So, sign up with your favorite feed reader!
Finally, some upcoming programming notes. Awhile ago we deprecated the Phone Encyclopedia. We’ll be shutting it down later this week. Fear not, the information contained inside is going to a better place. Most of the info will be going off of, but we’ll be saving the important bits for reintegration.
Following that, we’ll be using those freed-up resources to embark on rolling out a new, tightly-integrated section of that will launch early next year.
We welcome your feedback, so please sound off on the good, bad, and even ugly… in the comments.