Best Buy has launched a fire sale on the ZTE Score X500 Cricket Muve prepaid phone. At $29.99, it’s the lowest price we’ve seen for a Google-supported Android device… ever.
Click the link below to secure your X500 for in-store pickup. We strongly suggest doing so as stores will deplete within hours, if not minutes. In-store pickup at Best Buy secures the item from anyone else, as the store is required to pull the item from the shelves and reserve it for the customer.
Again, this will sell out. Hit the link below and pick one up, Best Buy offers free returns sans restocking fees as of March 1 on all cell phones, for 30 days… 45 if you are a Reward Zone Premier Silver member.
This is a Muve music phone, but it’s potential for operating as a carrier-less Android PMP / iPod touch is far greater than what it was built to do. Enjoy rooting the phone to do whatever you’d like, one-click root is available for this Android 2.3 smartphone.
Article edited to correct that one-click rooting is available, but custom firmwares have not been released for this smartphone to-date. Considering the fire sale, that will likely change in the near future.
This WAS A STELLAR DEAL!!! Glad I took advantage of it… Wish they would do it again. Worth it just as a web browser, eReader, music player, etc! I rooted mine and it accepts my 32 GB SD Card. đŸ˜€ Couldn’t be happier. This was the best deal EVER! Wish the would do it again!