Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

3 responses to “Deal: $399 4th Gen Retina iPad at Walmart, $49.97 16GB iPhone 4S (In-Store Only)”

  1. Kenneth Daniels Sr

    Am I reading this correctly? “… Walmart is also offering a 16GB iPhone 4S from select carriers for $49.97” If that’s true I’ll buy 5 and sell 4.

  2. Christopher Price

    Can’t confirm if it is one per customer or not on the iPhone. It is on the iPad.

    Quite possibly it is one per person on iPhone, since $50 for a 4S could break the ETF-breakeven threshold. However, if it does, it isn’t by very much and may not be worth the time… especially with the factor of your time involved.

  3. Roy Cummings

    Been to two Walmarts in area, they had no information for iPad 4 for 399. They did not have any in stock and have only had 4 total since release (at release). They are still selling 3s for the 499 price. Don’t get your hopes up!