Samsung unveiled the i505 Palm OS smartphone at CTIA. The i505 appears to have taken in every negative comment about the i500, and made all the refinements. Gone is the Graffiti pad area, and in is a camera, and a OLED full-color external display, as well as a much better internal display.
The fine folks at PhoneScoop have exhaustive comparison pictures of the i550 against the i500. If you want the total CTIA view, check out their whole coverage, or just the Samsung coverage.
But Samsung also showed off something of greater long-term significance, the first working 1xEV-DV live demonstration. Handsets were able to easily perform video conferencing, and worked with an installed 1xEV-DV network, not a simulation. Samsung has stated they will have a prototype of the newest 1xEV-DV revision, Release D within six to eight months. This may put added pressure on Sprint’s plan to deploy 1xEV-DV by the end of 2005.