Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

2 responses to “Cricket Launches PCD TXTM8”

  1. ubaldo

    espero y hablen español una duda si el la pantalla no funciona me podrias decir donde puedo conseguir refacciones del equipo. como flex o pantalla

    I wait and speak Spanish A doubt if the screen does not work me podrias to say where I can obtain refreshments of the equipment(team). Since(as,like) flex or screen

  2. Candice

    I think the cricket TXTM8 is a piece of shit when it comes to the web… Ive had mine only 2 weeks and now cannot access the web. It doesnt matter how mant times cricket refreshes my account… they only make it worse.. I WANT A NEW PHONE!!!!!! AND I WILL GET ONE!!!! CRICKET WILL GIVE ME THE PHONE I WANT!!!!