Cricket has launched its variant of the PCD TXT8010 slider messaging phone in the TXTM8. The TXT8010 was originally launched as the Verizon Blitz earlier this year.
The TXTM8 feature set is identical to the Blitz with a 2.2 inch display, QWERTY keyboard, 1.3 megapixel camera, microSDHC expansion slot, Bluetooth with stereo audio support, and speakerphone.
The phone is now available for $159.99 before a $20 instant online rebate, bringing the total to $139.99.
espero y hablen español una duda si el la pantalla no funciona me podrias decir donde puedo conseguir refacciones del equipo. como flex o pantalla
I wait and speak Spanish A doubt if the screen does not work me podrias to say where I can obtain refreshments of the equipment(team). Since(as,like) flex or screen
I think the cricket TXTM8 is a piece of shit when it comes to the web… Ive had mine only 2 weeks and now cannot access the web. It doesnt matter how mant times cricket refreshes my account… they only make it worse.. I WANT A NEW PHONE!!!!!! AND I WILL GET ONE!!!! CRICKET WILL GIVE ME THE PHONE I WANT!!!!