Cricket Announces Muve Mobile Music Platform and Companion Plan for January Launch

Samsung SuedeCricket has announced the forthcoming launch of a new service plan and mobile music platform that it has developed in collaboration with the recording industry, Samsung Mobile and SanDisk called Muve Music.

For $55 monthly, customers will be able to access music from Universal Music Group, Sony Music Entertainment, Warner Music Group, and EMI Music artists via the Samsung Suede touch-oriented feature phone as well as the standard service offerings of unlimited voice, data, messaging and multimedia access.

The songs will be downloaded to a specific partition formatted on the bundled microSD card while the songs will be encoded in a proprietary container that can only be read by the muveMusic player and phone, similar to other services offered by Verizon and Sprint.

The service plan, phone and platform will be launched next month, with its official debut set for CES.

Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz