Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

7 responses to “Core Nokia MeeGo Team Announces New Company in Jolla”

  1. Christopher Price

    Creating an actual device out of the company is going to be pretty difficult, especially since the MeeGo team probably assisted Nokia in patenting key elements of the platform.

    It wouldn’t be all that ironic to see Nokia try to block the release of Jolla’s own “N10” superphone, via the very patents the Jolla team helped craft while at Nokia.

    Didn’t say it would be the right thing for Nokia to try, just that it wouldn’t be very ironic… or unforeseeable.

  2. Aku

    Definitely gonna buy this phone once its lauched.

  3. komm

    “Creating an actual device out of the company is going to be pretty difficult, especially since the MeeGo team probably assisted Nokia in patenting key elements of the platform.”

    Traditionally Nokia has been helpful for the start-ups risen originally inside Nokia or by Nokia employees (Sports Tracker is good example), IF their firms are not harming Nokia. Nokia has officially said that Jolla is OK thing for it, because it has Lumia strategy and it is not doing MeeGo phones in the future. According to one manager of Jolla that was interviewed (in Finnish), they have had discussions with Nokia not just now, but from the beginning. I could imagine that Nokia will licence patent rights and it may also sell navigation services to Jolla, like has happen earlier in the case of start-ups of Nokia’s discharged employees.

  4. Christopher Price


    I would not rely on tradition in the Steven Elop era of Nokia.

    A sport tracker is not a smartphone. Nokia and Microsoft have wavied IP rights and authorized moonlighting for employees when building things that are not in conflict with any of their businesses, applications, or devices.

    The assertion that Jolla does not rival Windows Phone, is simply incorrect. Jolla is aiming to do what MeeGo and webOS failed to do (thus far); create a formidable platform that can compete against Android and iOS. Windows Phone is also attempting to do exactly that.

    If I were Jolla, I would be retaining an IP firm, pronto. The notion that Nokia would license their patents would be akin to getting Microsoft to hand over the patents to FAT because it’s no longer used to boot Windows.

  5. Sinuhe

    This is actually good for Nokia and acts like a plan B. If W8 doesn’t work, Nokia can always fire Eflop and buy Jolla and continue the Meego. Then the making of devices wouldn’t be a problem inside Nokia. Will see…

  6. Gromit

    Go guys!

    It is very inspiring to see people be so very enthusiastic and having faith in their product to continue develop it outside Nokia. This takes place even though this calibre people would have several takers after they got free from Nokia obligations. And I really have to celebrate the good sport Nokia is in here — it is not very common for companies to have any concern whatsoever about people outside of their payroll like they are doing. Being a good company citizen means lots of good deeds – big and small. Looks like Nokia has nothing to loose, and there is real enterprising spirit inside the Jolla team.

    If their product is going to be improving from the already superb Meego platform, it will be no problem selling the product to consumers and also for application developers. When they have a product, any further venture money for productization, marketing and production ramp-up are easy to gather, even at reasonable terms.

  7. Petri_

    I will buy Jolla phone. I will also buy Jolla stocks at IPO. Just tell me where I can put my name on waiting list… 🙂

    I admire people who has this level of enthuasism and spirit!