And The First EV-DO Phone Is?
Sprint’s first somewhat announced device to support EV-DO is the Daxian CU928. While Sprint hasn’t officially said they will launch the device (not like they make such big announcments constantly), or if it will support EV-DO at launch, the nature of the device makes it an attractive initial offering for EV-DO. The Daxian CU928 is […]
Sprint/Audiovox PM-8920 Product Page Up
A Sprint employee sent the site a line saying that the Sprint/Audiovox PM-8920 product page was up.
AT&T: Audiovox 4100 Unveiled
Audiovox has unveiled their first GSM PDA/Phone, the PPC4100. This PDA/Phone is extremely small for the features it carries. It is a Pocket PC 2003 Phone Edition device running a 400 MHz XScale processor and 64 MB of both RAM and ROM. As the pictures below show, it is currently an AT&T-exclusive device. PhoneScoop has […]