MetroPCS Announces Two New Visual Voicemail Services
MetroPCS has announced the launch of two new visual voicemail services for select handsets starting with smartphones.Visual Voicemail allows customers to see their voicemails listed on the phone and listen to them while Visual Voicemail Plus adds transcriptions of the messages. Both options let customers respond to voice messages via phone call, text, MMS, and/or […]

Follow-Up: MetroPCS Forces Automatic Update on Samsung Indulge
Following up on Tuesday’s initial report about the first update for the MetroPCS Samsung Indulge, more specific information has surfaced on the changes made as well as the revelation of the potentially dangerous automatic forced update method used by the carrier to apply updates without any user interaction whatsoever, in a repeat of the Samsung […]

Samsung Rolls Out OTA Update for MetroPCS Indulge, Improves LTE Speeds
Samsung has quietly begun to roll out a new update for the MetroPCS Samsung Indulge Android smartphone. Various reports have confirmed that the update improves LTE connectivity and total throughput, with many customers reporting more consistent throughput in select markets as shown at right with before and after screencaps. As Samsung has not officially confirmed […]
MetroPCS to Allow VOIP Over LTE, Elaborates on Network Management
Following a spate of complaints against the carrier for its Net Neutrality policies and LTE network management, MetroPCS has filed a brief with the FCC detailing its latest changes in order to finally allow VOIP over its LTE network via capable handsets, such as the recently released Samsung Indulge. "Restrictions on VoIP services initially were […]

Metro PCS Officially Announces Samsung Indulge
After weeks of leaks and speculation, Metro PCS has confirmed the forthcoming launch of its first LTE smartphone in the Samsung Galaxy Indulge later this week online for $399.99 plus tax. This makes the Indulge the first LTE smartphone on the market in the US, much like the Craft was the first LTE featurephone in […]

MetroPCS Samsung Indulge Approved by FCC
Ahead of its release later this month, the FCC has issued approval for the Samsung Indulge Android smartphone. As previously reported, the Indulge is to be the MetroPCS variant of the Sprint Samsung Transform sold on Sprint with a sliding QWERTY keyboard, Android 2.2, 1GHz processor, front facing camera, 5.0 megapixel main camera with flash […]
MetroPCS Files Complaint Against FCC Over Net Neutrality Rules
MetroPCS has filed a complaint against the FCC regarding its recently announced net neutrality rules and is seeking to avoid those rules from becoming law. CEO Roger Linquist issued the following statement: “MetroPCS’ concerns regarding the jurisdictional basis for the net neutrality rules, the recent appeal filed by Verizon, and challenges raised by some proponents […]

MetroPCS Launches LTE in Four More Markets
MetroPCS has expanded its LTE network to four more markets with the newest cities in Atlanta, GA.; Jacksonville, Miami, and Orlando, Fla. The Samsung Craft is also now available in those markets with MetroPCS’ new LTE plans now ranging from $40 to $60. The next LTE phone in the MetroPCS lineup will be the Samsung […]

MetroPCS Samsung Indulge Set For Release on February 23rd for $399.99
According to the latest information available the MetroPCS Samsung R910 Indulge will be launched on February 23rd, with pricing set at $399.99. This will place the launch of the Indulge around the same time as the highly anticipated Thunderbolt 4G for Verizon, also expected late next month and plays into the regional carrier’s goal to […]
MetroPCS Complaints Filed for Net Neutrality Violations Due to New LTE Plans (Updated)
The Media Access Project, Free Press, Center for Media Justice, New America Foundation’s Open Technology Initiative, and Presente.org have filed a fomal complaint against MetroPCS for violating net neutrality principles as a result of its recent service plan changes for its 4G LTE network. The interest groups allege that by forcing a 1GB cap for access […]