Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

4 responses to “ Offering Factory Unlocked iPhone 3G”

  1. Christopher Price has clarified that the 30 day warranty is’s return period. The device carries a full one-year warranty from Apple, in addition to the return warranty. It is also elegible for the AppleCare Protection Plan.

    However, the phone is now out of stock on’s web site. It’s not clear if Apple demanded the removal (since this was likely a gray market item), or if they simply sold out. It does rank as 102 on their sales ranks, indicating that it did sell out.

  2. iPhone Handsets » Blog Archive » Offering Factory Unlocked iPhone 3G |

    […] more here: Offering Factory Unlocked iPhone 3G | General, […]

  3. Sami Jameson

    I don’t think they were every approved by Apple at all. When I went to my AT&T corporate guy, he said that the only company that he knows that actually sells unlocked iPhones for world travelers / international corporate customers is a company named American Wireless. All this time he has never mentioned or has heard of any corporation buying from before.

  4. Sovathna

    I want to buy the iphone 3g without contract to my country.
    I really want to use it.