Boost Mobile has announced pricing and launch details for their variant of the Samsung Galaxy S III after first announcing it during CTIA last month. The phone will be launched on June 12th for $399.99 and feature LTE access. The same model is currently available on StraightTalk for a slightly higher SRP of $439.99 with the following specifications:
Sharing: Allows you to share content with your own devices, friends, and groups in intuitive ways.
S Beam™ lets you quickly share large video files, photos, documents and more just by tapping the back of two S Beam-enabled devices together.
Share Shot shares your photos in real-time with a group of friends at an event. No Wi-Fi® access point required and photos are saved directly into a folder in the smartphone’s gallery.
AllShare® Play allows access to your content anytime from virtually anywhere. This feature can be used to instantly share files between your Galaxy S III and your tablet, PC and televisions regardless of the distance between the devices.
- Simplicity: Removes the complexity from your experience – whether that’s interacting with their device, sharing a video with a friend, or broadcasting a presentation to a group.
- Improved gestures user interface for ease of use. The new gestures include quick camera access, missed event alert, tap to top of list, screen shot, quick pause, quick rotate, turn over to mute, shake to refresh, and raise phone to ear to make a call from messaging.
- Smart sleep feature disables screen timeout if the device detects that your eyes are looking at the screen so your screen does not go dark.
- Samsung TecTiles™ enable you to set an alarm, call or text a contact, or update your Facebook status and more with just one tap of your phone.
- Video Picture in Picture Multi-tasking lets you play a video anywhere on your screen while running other tasks, eliminating the need to close and restart videos when checking new emails or surfing the Web.
Power: Empowering you to do more, more easily, on a device that’s elegant, refined, beautiful and fast. A true showpiece of technology that performs as well as it looks.
- 4.8-inch HD Super AMOLED™ Display is the largest in the Boost Mobile lineup today and offers a vivid viewing experience.
- 4G LTE speeds so you can browse, watch movies, video chat and share quickly and easily in areas where coverage is available.
- 1.5GHz dual-core processor so you can quickly switch between apps and enjoy high-definition gaming and a lightning fast Web browser.
- Dual cameras include an 8-megapixel rear-facing camera with 1080p video capture and 720p playback and a 1.9-megapixel front-facing camera. The 8-megapixel camera features a zero shutter-lag speed that lets you capture moving objects easily without delay – the image you see is the picture you take.
- Android 4.1.2, Jelly Bean,