BLU Products has launched its latest smartphone in its Studio series with the Studio C. The low-cost mid-range Android smartphone features Android 5.0 Lollipop, which is rarity for a sub-$100 smartphone sold in the US. The phone is available now from Amazon.
The Studio C includes standard mid-range smartphone features such as a 5.0-inch 720p HD resolution display, an uncommonly large 3000mAh battery, 1.3GHz MediaTek quad-core processor with 1GB RAM, Dual-SIM capability, 8.0 Megapixel autofocus rear camera with LED flash, and 1080p video capture.
The phone also features 8GB of internal storage with a microSD slot and a 2-megapixel front facing camera. BLU Products will sell two versions of the Studio C, one with support for T-Mobile’s native 3G network and one with support for AT&T’s 3G network, as the phone does not include LTE support.