Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

2 responses to “BlackBerry Eliminates BIS/BES Data Plan Requirements for BlackBerry 10”

  1. horace coleman

    I am an investor of research in motion. Would like to receive a new blackberry phone in advance if possible. Thanks.

  2. koshka

    The eliminating of bis/bes on blackberry 10 Will make you loose customer, Many People wanna upgrade to bb10 but the only things thats holding them back îs that theres no bis/bes. People are going to move to other phones. Same on my side im using a blackberry 10 and it aint interesting without bis/bes, please find a way to bring it to bb10