Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

7 responses to “Best Buy Offering Compaq Netbook for 99 Cents or $199.99 After New 2 Year Agreement”

  1. Don Louie

    Does this $.99 offer apply if you got a MIFi on Pre Day?

  2. Christopher Price

    It applies to new customers. If you are still within the first 30 days on the MiFi, you probably can return it and cancel the line… then sign up for the netbook, and still be considered a new customer. Since Best Buy doesn’t do rebates, you won’t have to worry there, you’ll be told one way or the other at the point of activation.

  3. Don Louie

    I’ll let it be, what’s the price for existing subs? I got my MiFi for $50 bucks because I bought a Pre the same day.

  4. F1

    @ Don Louie
    “Congratulations on your MiFi & Pre, I hope they are working out for you!”

    I think it is an incredible deal, smart marketing against VZ & AT&T!

    If I did not have an ASUS 900 with similar specs, I would sign up for a renewal.
    Battery power wise it is low capacity, and the lid cover is shiny, otherwise matt finish, more of a solid feel over the original HP.

    Thank You

  5. Christopher Price

    The HP Mini 1151NR (which the Compaq is just a rebadged unit of) carries an MSRP of about $520 with the GOBI Sprint aircard built-in.

  6. jim

    Actually the unactivated price of this netbook is $389, and it’s NOT like the 1151NR. It’s a version of the newer 110 line of Mini’s. I hope this gives AT&T and VZW a kick in the pants and gets them to match (to some degree) offers such as this one.

  7. F1

    @ Chris

    The Old HP did have an iDisk USB, this unit has 3 Standard USB connections. It is not just skin deep changes.

    I find these two price points, very bizarre, $199 vs 99 Cents?
    Were AT&T & VZW asleep at the wheel of marketing?
    The cat is out of the bag,…for once Sprint delivered a beautiful one two punch, is it the dawn of a new trend!?

    Thank You