Christopher Price is the Founding Editor of Today, he leads the team building Console, Inc. - a new kind of Android™ device. He still likes to pontificate... a lot. You can visit his personal blog at

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5 responses to “Behind the Scenes, & What’s Next”

  1. Mustang46L seems quite exciting, can’t wait to see one in action.

  2. daniel

    Seems interesting but honestly didn’t get me very excited. I honestly don’t understand why I would want Android gaming on my TV – I have an HTPC, a 360, and a Wii. Maybe I’m not the target market, but I’m most interested in the XBOX One being able to support HTPC duties. If the iConsole supports that, and I see solid reasons for purchasing it instead of the next XBOX, then you have my attention.

    The part that interested me is the pricing – I think games are totally overpriced, so I pretty much only buy used.

  3. Sam

    According to the site over there, they say they’ll be supporting CableCARD and ATSC… but may need accessories. Xbox One looks like it uses HDMI passthrough. Xbox One seems to support more video (satellite), but sounds like it will be able to do DVR and probably is more integrated.

    Interesting choices, and both seem to be pushing streaming as the future.

    I know one thing, I’ll definitely chose if I can run XBMC from Android and store all my media on it, access it anywhere with DLNA, and use it as an HD DVR… on top of good gaming.

  4. daniel

    Sam – excellent points. If it can replace my HTPC and gives an XBMC interface, now we’re talking. I still use my classic xbox for XBMC, that’s how much I love it.

  5. Christopher Price

    XBMC will be on – we love XBMC and we’ve been knee deep inside their code for years. Every XBMC feature should be available both on, and that includes XBMC’s DVR apparatus.

    However, I do want to note that XBMC is going to be optional. We expect to have it on the iConsole Store at-launch.

    As to sharing, DLNA is going to be available day one, and we’ll offer extensions that make that remote-friendly when on the go.

    Our goal all along has been to store everything in your digital life on, and we’ll have some pretty cool features for making that migration happen easily.