As expected, AT&T will launch the singular device compatible with its upcoming HD Voice-branded VoLTE rollout in the Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini. The phone features 16GB of internal memory compared to the 8GB of the international and previously released versions on Sprint, but is otherwise identical in terms of hardware with a 4.3-inch display at 960×540, a 1.7GHz dual-core processor, 8-megapixel camera and NFC support.
AT&T will sell the phone for $49.99 with a conventional two-year contract and customers can choose between 18 payments of $14.24 or 12 payments of $18.50 with zero down via AT&T’s Next program. AT&T’s HD Voice will be available in a very limited number of markets at launch centered around the Midwest and the phone will also be limited to those markets. Interestingly, in the fine print for the service, AT&T has confirmed that HD Voice will not be available for Prepaid users, suggesting that the carrier will be limiting HD Voice support at the outset to postpaid service.
Any iPhone versions that will support HD voice?