Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

3 responses to “AT&T (Re)Opens GoPhone Access to iPhone, Opens Access to HSPA+/LTE Devices”

  1. Spektor

    So will other MVNO’s running on AT&T like Straight Talk or Net10 have LTE access switched on?

  2. AT&T GoPhone To Add More iPhone Feature Support And Increased Smartphone Data Soon

    […] With the addition of Personal Hotspot support and FaceTime over cellular, GoPhone will become even more compelling for iPhone users compared to other prepaid brands, especially for those that would rather buy an iPhone and use it on prepaid rather than sign up for a conventional service agreement or AT&T Next, as the addition of Personal Hotspot and FaceTime over cellular means that all of the key iPhone features will be fully supported on GoPhone, which is in stark contrast to 24 months ago when the smartphone wasn’t even officially supported on GoPhone after being restricted by AT&T starting in 2009 and not being allowed on the prepaid service again until last year. […]