AT&T Releases Statement on Upload Speed Issues

AT&T has released an official statement regarding a spate of reports yesterday that involved upload issues across its data network across the country, which have since been centered on a software defect found in network equipment provided by Alcatel-Lucent and caused issues with HSPA upload speeds for smartphone and aircard users.  AT&T and Alcatel-Lucent are currently developing fixes for the issue.

“AT&T and Alcatel-Lucent jointly identified a software defect — triggered under certain conditions – that impacted uplink performance for Laptop Connect and smartphone customers using 3G HSUPA-capable wireless devices in markets with Alcatel-Lucent equipment. This impacts less than two percent of our wireless customer base. While Alcatel-Lucent develops the appropriate software fix, we are providing normal 3G uplink speeds and consistent performance for affected customers with HSUPA-capable devices.”

Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

One response to “AT&T Releases Statement on Upload Speed Issues”

  1. AT&T Remedies HSPA Upload Issues After Deploying Network Fix |

    […] Apple After first confirming software issues in its Alcatel-Lucent provided network hardware in certain markets this month, […]