Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

2 responses to “AT&T Launches Samsung Epix”

  1. Jim

    Wow, what a lovely device. I hope it’s got a decent processor in it, as the former BJs had wimpy cpus. Too bad we don’t have ATT 3G down here where I live, but of course, everywhere ELSE I’ve been in the country it’s up and running.

  2. Jim

    Oh my. I just checked the coverage map for my city and lo and behold, it’s BLUE!! (3G) :))) It wasn’t last time I checked last Friday lol. Definitely time to check out this new sammy. AT&T doesn’t list the processor specs but a little googling should provide that info. Nice.