Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

2 responses to “AT&T Cuts HP Veer 4G Pricing to $49.99 Online Post Launch”

  1. jh

    They are free at Best Buy

    I think $99 is the full price, so not exactly shocking that they go on sale.

  2. Christopher Price

    I think the criticism is a valid. HP is aiming to compete head-on with Apple via their new webOS portfolio.

    If you immediately drop the price after launch, you’re going about as far in the opposite direction from Apple as possible.

    Granted, nobody may be buying the device. After all, webOS has had a major fall from grace, and there won’t be clarity in the platform until TouchPad and Pre 3 ship (even then, there’s no LTE or WiMAX webOS yet).

    People simply see those price drops as a vote of no confidence from HP. Nobody seems to be able to gain as stringent pricing controls as Apple has on devices, however, HP certainly can ask AT&T to not cut the price on their end, from their first-party channels.