AT&T has begun contacting selected customers by email that were chosen to trial the forthcoming 3G MicroCell unit in March.
Along with the initial contact, AT&T is also setting specific rules for the trial and the incentives for participating, which include a nominal $200 cash payment along with the option to keep the equipment after the end of the trial.
The trial is expected to begin later this week and extend until or on June 9th of this year, with customers expected to fill out at least three online surveys during the trial period regarding equipment performance and reliability.
[…] Phonenews AT&T Fuze Upcoming This Week?AT&T Femtocells Are In TestingHow to upgrade Your […]
Does it support 3G data?
I’d like to be in this trial. ATT – please contact me!
Yes, the AT&T femtocell does support UMTS/HSPA data.
It’d be nice if Sprint could upgrade Airave to 3G or come out with new 3G-enabled version. Otherwise, data usage at home is a kinda of a pain.
How do I get in this trial? I have tried to contact ATT to see if they would improve the local area coverage, but they are not reachable. I sent them an email but it went down the black hole, I guess. Does anyone have a real person to contact about area coverage?
I desperately want to get in this trial. I get little to no service at my house and it drives me crazy!
I’ve been anxiously awaiting this product and would love to be in the trial. I’ve been calling for months but no one at ATT customer service or tech support admits to knowing anything about the trial or product. It must be kept locked up in a secret black box somewhere!
I’m ready to buy several today and know others ready, too.
I too would love to be in the trial or get any additional information about femtocell availability. I also have had no luck communication with AT&T about this.
Count me in too. I love my phone and coverage everywhere but my home. I’ve gotta get coverage while at home. I need in on this trial or they’re gunna have 2 put a cell tower in my backyard.
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If this is trial is continuing, I am a prime candidate in the midwest, in Sedalia, Missouri – after buying a new house have discovered NO SIGNAL! We don’t want to change our family cell phone carried from AT&T after MANY years, several kids, and please with the company overall. Please contact our mid-Missouri family for trial – or tell me where to BUY?c Thank you,