AT&T has announced its first BREW MP enabled handset one year after first announcing its intentions to release BREW MP enabled devices and one month after further confirming BREW MP devices during CES. The HTC Freestyle features a 3.2-inch touch display, HTML browser, 3.2 megapixel camera with video capture, 3.5mm headphone jack, microSD slot, and the Sense UI ported from HTC’s smartphone lineup, which was first shown on the Brew MP powered Smart sold mainly in Europe and Asia last year.
The phone will be launched on Sunday, February 13th for $149.99 before an additional $50 mail-in rebate, bringing the total to $99.99.
I don’t understand this phone. It costs just about the same as an entry-level Android device yet has half the functionality. For example, you can pick up a branded Huawei Ideos for under $120 without rebate from T-Mobile right now.
Sure, some people hate complicated phones, but is this really the answer? What about a top layer a la HTC Sense that dumbs it down for people who don’t need so many options?