Apple has re-added refurbished iPhone units to the Apple Store Online. Refurbished iPhone units are available in limited supplies, from time to time. These units usually sell out quickly, due to their limited supply and discounted prices.
Currently, Apple is only stocking the now-discontinued 4 GB iPhone model. However, it is now available for $299.00 with free shipping. That’s $100 off the price of the current (non-refurbished) 8 GB model, and $50 off the price of the refurbished 8 GB model. It is also the lowest price Apple has ever sold an iPhone for directly.
This will likely be the last re-stock of refurbished iPhone units before Apple’s release of an iPhone SDK next month, enabling the creation of supported third-party software in a secure environment.
Apple refurbished products feature a full one-year warranty, and are are treated as-new, eligible for AppleCare Protection Plan extended warranties and support options.
Update: Minutes after our reporting, the item has been removed from the Apple Store Online. It is not clear if Apple was testing the page, or if supplies had sold out. Attempts to complete the transaction (which had added to a test shopping cart) resulted in the item automatically removed from the order.
For those interested in purchasing a refurbished iPhone, we strongly suggest bookmarking this link, and checking it frequently. Refurbished iPhone units typically sell out within the same day, if not hours of them appearing online.
i am interested in a refurbished iphone..
i am interested to purchase a refurbished iphone (4GB).
I would love to buy a refurbished phone….Where do I find one?
i would like a iphone 4gb refurbished
The 4 GB iPhone has pretty much been completely cleared out of supply channels. AT&T received a few units and shipped them to east coast stores… but I suspect virtually all of them have been sold by now.