Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

4 responses to “Apple Allowing iPhone Sales Without AT&T Service Required”

  1. web

    gooood article

  2. Daniel Rafael

    im from malaysia and attracting to buy 3G S in US because its more cheaper than here which cost $500 for 16GB and $799 for 32GB. i’ll be there on this may. can you reply to my email ASAP?


  3. Daniel Rafael

    im from MALAYASIA and im attracting to buy iphone 3G S in US because its more cheaper than here which is cost $599 for 16GB and $799 for 32 GB. i’ll be there on may. so can you tell me the retail price in US? i really hope that you could.

  4. Cat

    There’s no 3G on anything but AT&T, so the lock isn’t even such a big deal unless you’re an international traveler.

    But hey, at least they kind of throw you a bone — as long as you ignore that the 32GB iPad with 3G is only $30 more than the comparable iPhone