Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

7 responses to “Acer Confirms Jelly Bean Upgrade Plans: First-Gen Iconia Series Out, Second Gen In”

  1. Christopher Price

    At least Acer didn’t sign on to the Android Update Alliance.

  2. Veha

    Exactly, it’s really disappointed that Acer just dismissed the earliest version. I’ve got Iconia A500 since last year and I still run with Honeycomb. Being bought in Japan, there is no available update even to ICW.

  3. Dave

    My 8 month old A500 is not going to be upgraded. Ok .. so lets figure this out. It means that Acer made a decision, more than likely financially motivated to not create an upgrade path for a model approx 1 year old. This message is very clear and I would suggest that this will be the norm for all of acers future tablets and possible computers. I will be selling my Acer and purchasing a Samsung ASAP as they have committed to keeping an upgrade path for sometime longer than our friends at Acer.
    It is unfortunate since there are several ROMS out there now that have been developed for those that want to root and load. This tells me that there is not a lot of difficulty in creating the update … it is just that they have decided the product life cycle is only a few months old and they hope that the public will purchase a newer model. Not good.
    Bye Acer it was nice while it lasted … and I am sure I am not the only user that will be doing something similar.

  4. Mark

    I agree with Dave. Looks like you have to go with a Nexus device to get any reasonable updates.

  5. cosmo

    I was just getting ready to buy the 200..when I came across this. Im glad I didnt buy it.

  6. jazzcat

    I brought my acer 500 in August of 20011 I just purchased a new case and a new power cord and it is now just like a brand new tablet…I take care of my purchases…and when I pay for a premium product…I expect premium support…I am upset about not getting this update..and I CANNOT afford to buy another brand…I loved this Acer Tab… and now the company that birthed it , is killing it at only 1 year old…fu%&ed up!!!!
    Jim from Philly

  7. cristian

    I’m 100% agree with Dave…