Many think that this site gives viewpoints the way things “should be” and not “the way they are”. Read more to see why this idea is wrong.
When I started this site, it had one specific purpose: getting the SonyEricsson T608 released. That’s what I wanted, that’s what enough consumers wanted to justify the release, and the mission was accomplished. Today though, people think that this site is still fixated on getting something, or mixing up Sprint’s words to push Sprint into a corner of giving what “we” want.
This idea couldn’t be further from the truth. What is actually happening is Sprint is out of touch with its most savvy consumers. This site shouldn’t need to exist. My job, as editor-in-chief is to convert Sprint’s complex and sometimes mixed signals into something that readers can understand. Sometimes, this site will go off that path, and report on Vision tethering, upcoming products, rumors, pages posted, and sometimes we’ll even put up a phone number that “we’re not supposed to have”.
Oh no, oh no, oh no, I’ve provided a bigger scope to a site that only exists because Sprint isn’t staying in-touch with their most informed and loyal consumers. Someone needs to write a nasty memo about me for that, and hopefully someone high up enough at Sprint will realize they aren’t getting it. AT&T had a start, with user forums (and customer service personnel that could fix customer account problems in their own forums), but I think that Sprint should go a step further.
The vast majority of information on this site should be available from Sprint’s site. Period. There is no reason I should have to bug, report, alert, and share information about something as simple as a firmware update. There is no reason that Sprint shouldn’t have their phone numbers in one central place for customers to get where they want to go without having to get through a rep whose English skills are lacking. Customers should be able to discuss Sprint service on Sprint’s own site. Think that’s out-of-line for a company to do? Tell that to Apple. Apple does all of this, and then some, today.
So, the next time you think that I’m doing a disservice, look at the company that won’t tell you about a software update, the same company that makes you hold endlessly just to get a rep that will forward you to another rep, the same company that obfuscates their own plan regions and markets. Look at Sprint, and then come back here so that some sense can be made out of it.