Palm and Sprint have issued a joint statement regarding the increasing incidents of Palm Profile backup failures when switching devices due to repair, upgrade or replacement, with many losing complete profiles and vital information and others recovering a majority of lost information.
The main issue is the fact that replacement devices are not pulling the original Palm Profile from the backup stored on Palm’s servers and instead are creating a new blank profile that overwrites the old without anyway to create a manual backup of the original profile, compunding the issue.
The following is Palm and Sprint’s joint response:
“We are seeing a small number of customers who have experienced issues transferring their Palm Profile information to another Palm webOS device. Palm and Sprint are working closely together to support these customers to successfully transfer their information to the new device.”
This kindof reminds me of the sidekick nightmare. Everyone with lost data should call and demand $100. lol
Great positive attitude………
when tmobile messed up, it was unforgivable. but since its sprint we should all maintain a positive attitude. typical. add customer data to the long list of things sprint is losing such as customers and hundreds of millions of dollars.