Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

4 responses to “Clear, MetroPCS, Sprint in Talks with Deutsche Telekom Regarding 4G Access”

  1. Don Louie

    I knew T Mobile hadn’t picked a 4G platform yet, leaving room for them to get on the WiMax train

  2. JJ

    Its going to be interesting how this works out. Which one is really faster…LTE or WIMAX? Has anyone seen or heard any info on the wimax/gsm phone from htc?

  3. jim

    I’m thinking T-Mo wants the 700 Mhz spectrum for LTE deployment, leaving the 2.5 GHz for Clearwire WiMax. VZW and AT&T have licensed blocks of 700 MHz spectrum for LTE deployment too, so I’m wondering how this will work out in overlapping markets.

  4. bottomline

    Well, this would make alot more sense for Deutsche Telekom than to try to purchase Sprint. Trying to purchase Sprint would be financial suicide for DT. Imagine the difficulty(if not impossibility) in trying to converge all 3 networks(cdma,gsm, & iden). Not to mention the fact that the Justice Dept. would never in a million years ever approve the merger ! I dont think they would feel to comfortable in knowing that the 3rd largest telecommunications company in the united states would be controlled by a foreign government(DT is 30% owned by the german government)………