MetroPCS has announced that it has selected Samsung to supply its first dual-mode CDMA/LTE handset (a smartphone) along with Ericsson as its networtk infrastructure partner for its forthcoming LTE network, with the metropolitan market launch for the new network and handset expected in late 2010.
Hello Humberto,I’m wondering if you have more specific info. on when Metro will be coming out with LTE and the Samsung dual mode? Do you know anything about the phone?I was very close to buying the Samsung Code,but when I found out about the new technology coming out this year, I don’t want to buy a phone that will obsolete in a few months. Do you think it’s worth waiting? I figured the Code would be a better buy than the BB, because, for one, I know that some stores have already started to discontinue the BB, and I’ve also heard the the BB, doesnt have full access to e/thing on Metro’s network. Can you please shed some light? By the way, what’s the difference, between a smartphone, a BB, and a phone like the Caliber which has full internet capabilities, but is not a smart phone?
Mr. F