Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

11 responses to “Samsung to Develop AMOLED Display Phones for Sprint”

  1. SaltyDawg

    Wow, could Sprint be getting the Samsung Omnia Pro? That looks like an awesome device.

  2. F1

    “Smasung to…”, means, in newer upcoming models, isn’t Omnia Pro a current model ?

    Although this is great news, however why does the hardware have to be redeveloped for Sprint, why not use the existing AMOLED such as the one’s on the AT&T models? Isn’t it a matter of sotfware/firmware?
    This has been such a slow process, do they have to reinvent the wheel?
    Take a look at the new line up of Sony Walkmen, just gorgeous screens….can’t wait for the upcoming iPod Touch w/cam!

    Thank You

  3. Alex

    This is Awesome!

    I can’t wait for Sprint to start kicking out some High End devices. Don’t even get me started on Android… I am counting the seconds until Dan finally lets some of us loyal Sprint customers play with some Android devices. October 11th cant come soon enough. HTC Hero and a mystery Samsung Device are filling my nightly dreams. I can’t wait to ditch the old Blackberry and step up to a real OS Android…. Here I come!

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  4. SaltyDawg

    @ F1- no, the Samsung Omnia Pro is not a current model. It has been announced, but there is no release date yet.

  5. JJ

    hey f1, what amoled phone does att have?

  6. F1

    @ Saltydawg
    I meant it is a finshed product as opposed to in design and development for Sprint, VZW will be releasing it in the near future to replace the Omnia.

    “Samsung currently has the Samsung Impression in its US lineup on AT&T that prominently features the display technology”.

    The above article sites: “the Samsung Impression”,again I don’t think it has been released as of yet, just like the Omnia Pro it is in the pipes.
    Btw, first week on the Palm Pro,as of now, one soft reset, how is your mom’s unit working out, any freeze ups, no prepend option for *82?!

    Thank You

  7. SaltyDawg

    Youare confusing the Omnia Pro with the Omnia 2. I don’t think there is anything out there to suggest Verizon will be getting the Omnia Pro. As of right now, the only version being speculated for sometime in the future will be a GSM version that doesn’t even have have USA 3G. There has been nothing to say there will be a CDMA version, or even a USA GSM version. There are all kinds of conflicting reports ou tthere on what the exact specs will be too, so I don’t think it’s a finished product.

    Now the Omnia 2 is a different story. Verizon is supposedly getting that one. But it’s a totally different device.

    There are a couple different devices that have the Omnia Pro in the name, so just for clarification this is the one I am talking about:

  8. Don Louie

    Vzw is getting a better Glyde that will be called Rouge, maybe they can do something with that because it looks similar to the Omnia Pro

  9. F1

    @ Don
    Rogue U960 coming out August 15, however not a high end unit.


    It was time consuming, but here it is, feel free to correct it, I have not seen this done by anybody out there as of yet.

    An Omnia evolution, overview:

    1.Omnia i900 (the Original) WM 6.1 w/3.2 inch wide QVGA @VZW CDMA

    2.Omnia II i8000 (up coming) WM 6.1 w/o keyboard, w/3.7 inch AMOLED @VZW

    3.Omnia Pro =Omnia i900+ Keyboard =>(up coming) @GSM was to compete against Touch Pro renamed=> Louvre B7610 tested w/OLED to be released as Omnia Pro WM 6.1 upgraded w/3.5 inch WVGA AMOLED

    4.Omnia Pro 2 = ?? Perhaps a future model with WM 6.5/Android,
    w/Keyboard ,w/3.7 inch AMOLED,@ Sprint, pure speculation on my part!

    5.Omnia HD i8910 HD = w/o Keyboard ,w/3.7 inch AMOLED, Symbian OS @GSM

    6.Samsung Impression A877 = w/keyboard w/3.2-inch AMOLED, TouchWiz UI @AT&T (non WM,mini Omnia Pro like?)

    Not much info @ Samsung:

    Thank You

  10. SaltyDawg

    The Omnia Pro is not the Omnia i900+ keyboard. It is probably close to the Omnia II i8000+ keyboard though.

  11. F1

    Eitherway, there is no CDMA Samsung 3.5 inch AMOLED, with a keyboard.Which as of now is the largest of such configuration.
    For that reason, I am guessing that Sprint will get at one of the two units of WM 6.1 or Android, and VZ will need it’s share.

    Furthermore,it seems the 3.7 inch Samsung AMOLED, is aimed squarely at the iPhone, except with the potential three OS choices of the Symbian,WM and Android!
    As of now, VZ is taking the WM, AT&T has the Symbian and perhaps Sprint will get the Android configuration.

    No matter what transpires, it will be a showdown savored, by the lucky few.

    Thank You