Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

3 responses to “iTunes Update Breaks Palm Pre Sync, iPhone 3G S File Dump”

  1. iPhone Tipps » Blog Archive » iTunes Update Breaks Palm Pre Sync, iPhone 3G S File Dump …

    […] Humberto Saabedra placed an observative post today on iTunes Update Breaks Palm Pre Sync, iPhone 3G S File Dump …Here’s a quick excerptApple has just rolled out iTunes 8.2.1 to users and it includes a foreboding message for owners of the Palm Pre, noting that the update includes bugfixes and. […]

  2. DJ

    Well Apple, that is the straw that broke the camel’s back. 1st you introduce the I-POD and make it so we can only use music we’ve paid for on one of these devices, and limit us to the number of computers or devices we can share. (I know, things have changed a bit now). 2nd you partner with ATT and offer the I-Phone only with them — cannot stand ATT because of how things are priced and how they treat customers. 3rd and the last straw is to update your software so only your devices can use them.

    If you can’t play in the real world and learn to allow us to use what we have purchased on any device that we want, to heck with you. Lots of other places to download Tunes that does not have the same restrictions.

    Time for Google to take a big bite out of Apple. As for the Pre — plenty of other music options/sources out there.

    Apple, you have likely got your last sale from me……………………………

  3. Sprint Offering $50 Credit to Select Customers, Rejects Pre 3 |

    […] In other Sprint news, news has surfaced that suggests that Sprint will not carry the HP Pre 3 due to its previous experience with selling the Palm Pre. Sprint was initially the exclusive carrier for the Pre when it was first released in 2009 and positioned the webOS powered smartphone as a superior alternative to the iPhone, and even included full compatibility with iTunes before Apple shut down Palm’s cat and mouse game. […]