Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

10 responses to “iPhone Dev Team Releases redsn0w for iPhone, iPhone 3G, and iPod Touch”

  1. Jazzy

    hey, can anyone tell me if my ipod touch 2nd gen can be hacked/jailbreak on the 3.0 friware

  2. jordan-lee

    yes it can, just use redsn0w and it will do it for you

  3. Louis Leandre

    Could some one help me. Does my IPHONE 3G already on 3.0 firmware
    could be unluck and jailbreak with redsnOw.
    it is so confusing.

  4. Christopher Price

    If you want an unlocked iPhone 3G: Wait for ultrasn0w.
    If you want a jailbroken iPhone 3G: Use either PwnageTool or redsn0w.

    If you want an unlocked original iPhone: Use PwnageTool.
    If you want a jailbroken original iPhone: Use either PwnageTool or redsn0w.

    If you want a jailbroken iPod touch 2G: Use redsn0w.
    If you want a jailbroken iPod touch 1G: Use either redsn0w or PwnageTool.

    If you want an unlocked iPhone 3G S: No solution exists yet.
    If you want a jailbroken iPhone 3G S: No solution exists yet.

  5. Shlomi

    OMG, I tried to upgrade my unlock Iphone( yellowsn0w) g3 to the new frimwork… it not finish the apdate of the new software and ask for the original SIM!!!! what can I do???????? HELPPPPP

  6. llcoolam

    Shlomi – You need to use an activated version of the 3.0 firmware (pre-hacked) then jailbreak and then unlock with the new solution.
    Good luck!

  7. Shlomi

    The problem is: I can not complet the instulation of the 3.0 firmwork it keep asking for the original SIM wich I don’t have…..

  8. Louis Leandre

    Thanks Chris, I’ll be waiting for UltrasnOw

  9. Christopher Price

    Shlomi, you weren’t supposed to upgrade yet. The replacement for yellowsn0w, ultrasn0w, has not been released yet. You have to either wait for ultrasn0w to come out, or try to downgrade to 2.2.1 (which we have not tested)… and the reinstall yellowsn0w.

  10. Shlomi
