Verizon and RIM to Release BlackBerry Storm Update on Sunday

Verizon and RIM will be releasing a new firmware update for the BlackBerry Storm Sunday afternoon which is expected to fix a myriad of longstanding issues that have yet to be addressed since its lone update in December 2008.

Both companies had previously tested three internal updates to the Storm that were leaked during the year, with varying results before being pulled from final release each time.

BlackBerry OS version will be released starting at 4PM EST on and will also be pushed over-the-air by Verizon beginning at 10PM EST the same day. Neither Verizon or RIM elaborated on the specific changes the update will feature.

Encyclopedia: RIM BlackBerry Storm 9530

Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

3 responses to “Verizon and RIM to Release BlackBerry Storm Update on Sunday”

  1. JJ

    It’s about time!!!

  2. alibumaiya

    I hope that this new update do not cause problems with the applications I downloaded from the blackberry app store,or lose them because trying too compete with yhe already installed apps of the iphone along with their app store is kindda hard.I’am sure many of blackberry storm ownners will agree.

  3. sari Gibson

    When will the storm2 being release I am getting it for my birthday and I have to let my family know about that