HTC media representatives have confirmed to that an update is still coming to address consumer complaints with their Qualcomm-based smartphones.
The manufacturer promised customers that an update would be released by the end of last month, but remained silent at the start of April. Other consumer activists such as have noted HTC’s failure to deliver any update, as well as all of HTC’s prior conflicting statements.
HTC did not confirm any other information to, including what the update would specifically improve, or when exactly the update would be released. HTC would not confirm reports that the update would enable the Qualcomm’s built-in 2D graphics acceleration, and denied that the update would enable the built-in Direc3D acceleration that exists as well. HTC even went as far as to be unable to confirm if the update would require carrier approval, or be released as a single CAB update for the entire line of Qualcomm-based handsets.
[…] you own an smartphone manufactured by HTC running Windows Mobile, you’re about to receive a free software update. We don’t know when it’ll hit or what it will do, but it’ll do […]
[…] [Source: Phone News] Filed under: Carrier News, News Related Posts: […]
[…] according to, HTC still plans to release the fore mentioned Software Update: HTC media representatives have […]
Now On: Gizmodo
[…] [Via: PhoneNews] […]
[…] Asà que todo sigue en el aire, pero parece que algo si que se está cociendo y esperemos que sea en beneficio de todos esta tardanza de los drivers. Otros consumidores, como, han ido señalando la falta de rigor ante cualquier actualización y todas las declaraciones contradictorias que se ha suministrado desde HTC. Si quereis leer la noticia original debeis visitar […]
[…] Kommt das HTC Driver Update doch noch? – 29.04.2008, 22:24 PhoneNews sprach mit HTC über das schon lange verzögerte Treiber-Update, das doch eigentlich gar kein Treiber update sein wird. Viel neues gab HTC nicht preis, das Update wird kommen, wenn auch verzögert, es wird aber definitiv kein Treiber Update sondern “nur” ein Treiber Update sein. HTC sagte auch nicht, wann das Update denn kommen wird und auch nicht wie. Ob per .cab oder auf einem anderen Weg. Besser als gar nichts. Mehr Infos: htcclassaction. via PhoneNews. […]
Seems like a bit of a non-news if you ask me, its still coming but we won’t say when or what its going to do or how you’re going to get it, big deal.
Before our report, George, many assumed the update was dead and would not be released. So, yes, it is newsworthy in our view…
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[…] informed after reading, other than know HTC is still working on a fix and it’ still coming. [Phone News] Wednesday, October 28th, 2009 […]