Sony Mobile has confirmed through its device support pages that selected models from the 2011-2012 Sony Ericsson era of the company will no longer be supported with Android updates. The models in question are the Xperia acro S, Xperia SL, Xperia S, Xperia ion (including the LTE model), Xperia arc S, Xperia go, Xperia P, Xperia J, Xperia U, Xperia sola, Xperia tipo, and Xperia miro Android smartphones.
As many of these phones were released in 2012 and in the case of the arc S, 2011, most of them have been supplanted in terms of hardware by much newer models and have already been replaced in Sony Mobile’s current lineup. Sony Mobile is currently listing the latest and final Android version for each of the aforementioned smartphones on the support page for each phone.