CyanogenMod Edition Oppo N1 Earns Google Apps Certification, Set For Christmas Eve Launch

Oppo N1 CM Edition wideThe newly incorporated CyanogenMod company has announced that the edition of the N1 that will launch with its custom ROM on Christmas Eve has now been certified by Google to ship with Google Apps and Services support through its Compatibility Test Suite, making the CyanogenMod Oppo N1 the first device to be approved by Google to carry the search giant’s closed source applications and services without the need to backup and sideload the app suite anymore, as was previously necessary in previous builds.

In related news, CyanogenMod Inc. has also announced that it has received an additional funding round from new investors, totaling $23 million, up from the initial $7 million investment made earlier this year to incorporate the company. As a result of the new investment, the company will expand the focus of CyanogenMod from smartphones to additional devices and platforms such as wearables, smart TVs and even automotive applications.

Finally, CEO Steve Kondik has also confirmed that the company is working with Google on a more refined process to flash CyanogenMod after its first attempt to offer a one-click installer through Google Play was met with a request from Google to remove the software, owing to Google’s concerns over use by those less than versed in the world of custom ROMs. As Google felt the process was too simplified without enough detail on how to revert back to the original build if necessary, too much risk was present for user complaints.

A complete backup tool was also revealed to have been included in early builds of the one-click installer for new users, but was ultimately removed due to user feedback. CyanogenMod will now be working further with Google to ease new CyanogenMod users into the software, with the goal of offering the one-click installer through Google Play once again early next year, with more changes tailored for first-time users.

Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

5 responses to “CyanogenMod Edition Oppo N1 Earns Google Apps Certification, Set For Christmas Eve Launch”

  1. Michael Huff

    Are you going to give attribution to your source for the Steve Kondik indicative? Seems like you’d have a hard time getting an interview with him after giving them such a hard time and pressuring Google to run them out of the Play Store to begin with. I’m guessing we’ll never know since I’m sure he’d never give you a direct quote. Great integrity, guys. Keep it up.

  2. Christopher Price

    There clearly is a link to the article where the information was obtained. We cite our sources.

    I recognize some may have disliked our original coverage, but we stand by it fully. There’s no need to troll future articles covering CyanogenMod over what is clearly in the past, even according to the CyanogenMod team.

  3. Matt

    “We cite our sources” You’re also quick to take credit but I see no reference to your original efforts to get the app removed. Why shy away? Why not remind the readers who did the work?

    Also, I don’t think “some” have an issue with your coverage. It’s more likely your actions.

  4. Michael Huff

    Matt nailed it. It sounds like what you guys call trolling is really your resentment for calling you on your *******.

  5. Christopher Price

    I fail to see how Oppo N1 having CyanogenMod has anything tangible to do with the CyanogenMod Installer on Google Play. It sounds like others have an axe to grind. Unfortunately, it is wasted effort on their parts to keep grinding against a dead horse.

    Had the Google Play Installer not merely been a topic brought up in the same interview, there almost certainly would have been an inline citation of how we broke ground on the subject — but it wasn’t our interview, nor was it the main point of this article. We covered it only because the interview (which we clearly did cite) covered it. I am sure though, had we promoted our prior coverage of that secondary topic, that many of those same axe-grinders, would have claimed that was grandstanding for doing so.

    Finally, claims that we didn’t cite our sources then morphed into claims that we didn’t grandstand our own work – a pretty lame way of trying to save a failed attack.