T-Mobile has launched its version of the Samsung Galaxy Note II smartphone/tablet hybrid only three months after launching its version of the original Note model. The phone is being sold at two price points depending on whether a Classic or Value plan is selected.
Customers selecting the Value plan will pay a $249.99 down payment, with 20 subsequent payments of $20 per month, while Value plan customers looking for a more conventional subsidy will pay $369.99 for a 2 year agreement with newly implemented 2GB data plan requirement.
In related news, AT&T will launch its version of the Note II on November 9th for $299.99 after new 2 year agreement with pre-orders going live on Thursday.
The Galaxy Note II features the following specifications:
a 5.5-inch 1,280 x 720 HD Super AMOLED display, 1.6GHz quad-core Exynos processor on AT&T version and Qualcomm S4 on T-Mobile version, 8-megapixel rear camera featuring 1080p video capture, 3,100mAh battery and an improved S-Pen stylus. The AT&T version will also support LTE while the T-Mobile version will be limited to HSPA.