Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

2 responses to “Report: Samsung Now Considering “Value Pack” Update for Galaxy S and Tab”

  1. hal6666

    Galaxy S1 is already 18 months old phone.
    It was released at 2010. 6.
    There is no other company upgrade their year 2010 device for android 4.0(ICS) update.
    Samsung is only company who support year 2010 device upgrade.

    HTC, Sony Ericsson, Moto and All other Android manufactures are same.
    There is no upgarde for year 2010 models.

    1. Official HTC facebook
    facebook . com/notes/htc-uk/ice-cream-sandwich-android-40-updates-for-htc-handsets/300698153293006
    ; No ICS(android 4.0) upgrade for year 2010 model.

    2. Official Sony Ericsson Blog
    blogs.sonyericsson . com/products/2011/12/21/ice-cream-sandwich-coming-to-2011-xperia%E2%84%A2-smartphones-from-end-marchearly-april-2012/
    ; No ICS upgrade for year 2010 model.

    3. Official announcement from motorola
    motorola . com/blog/2011/12/07/motorola-update-on-ice-cream-sandwich/
    ; No ICS upgrade for year 2010 model.

    There is no other android OEM upgrade ICS for year 2010(and older) models.

    Samsung is only comapny who support ICS upgrade for 18 months old phone.
    In addition, They already serviced 2 times OS upgrade for Galaxy S1.

  2. Xperia PLAY Customers Begin Boycott of Sony over ICS Retraction, Class Action Suit May Result |

    […] being promised Android 2.0. The original Galaxy S line was briefly promised Android 4.0, after quickly retracting such commitments. Sony Ericsson also promised to upgrade its original Android Xperia phones, before leaving them in […]