Sprint has confirmed that it is aware of the data issues present in the iPhone 4S since the launch of the phone last month. Not long after the phone’s launch, reports surfaced that the data transfer speeds on the phone were abnormally lower compared to other smartphones in the carrier’s lineup.
While the carrier apologizes for the issues and has asked for assistance with pinpointing the exact causes, it has admitted that it does not have a short-term fix for the speed issues since it is having trouble replicating the exact problems experienced. Sprint has also confirmed that it is working with Apple to pinpoint the issues, but has admitted that the people affected represent  less than 1 percent of the total customer base with iPhones, compounding the problem even further.
While the iPhone 4S is considered a boon for Sprint considering the cachet that the phone brings to each carrier that lands the phone, the heavier than normal subsidies and costs for the next five years put Sprint in a make or break position in terms of making enough on subscribers to cover both the cost of the subsidies and the phone’s per unit cost. Problems such as the ones the Sprint iPhone 4S is experiencing are expected to be fixed with the next update to iOS in 5.0.1, but it is not known when the update will roll out to customers.
as of the release of 5.0.1 beta 2 (released today) it sure hasn’t addressed it on any level, the only thing thats going to fix it, is sprint getting off their rear ends and getting their backhaul issues fixed.
I really don’t think the problem is with the iPhone itself. 3G on my Android has been crawling recently. The WiMAX speeds seem to be better, which makes me wonder if it’s not the backhaul, but the EV-DO spectrum.
Come on 1x Advanced!
The network is the problem. If you don’t have the money to upkeep a sports car don’t buy one then. I have the Epic 4g and the 3g data speeds and whenever the 4g decides to connect the internet is still slow. My brother has a piece of junk Cricket and his internet is faster than Sprints.They took away all the discounts and the customer loyalty offers so I don’t know how they intend to keep the customers they got with a poor network and over priced phones that never get updated when promised.
this is why not only do i work for VERIZON but it is the only Network that i trust and will trust!!!