Apple has filed suit against Samsung in Northern California District Court in San Francisco, alleging that the Korean manufacturer of the Galaxy S series of Android smartphones and the Galaxy Tab Android tablet is infringing on the style, user interface and technology as found on the iPhone and iPad. The core statement from Apple follows below:
"Rather than innovate and develop its own technology and a unique Samsung style for its smart phone products and computer tablets, Samsung chose to copy Apple’s technology, user interface and innovative style in these infringing products."
The suit was filed last Friday, with Apple seeking an injunction against Samsung which would prohibit the sale of the Galaxy S and its carrier variants along with the Galaxy Tab. It should be noted that Apple’s filing for the suit also uses an unattributed image of the T-Mobile Samsung Vibrant taken from the Flickr account of noted tech blogger Myriam Joire (aka Tnkgrl).
Finally! Samsung has been copying others forever and getting away with it. Always a day late and lower quality, mobile device wise at least.