Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

7 responses to “Virgin Mobile Throttles Broadband2Go at Half of Previous Cap”

  1. SR

    All this will go on until LightSquared makes a debut and gives the current players a run for their money (when retailers like walmart/bestbuy start offering their phones based on LightSquared network)…

    Am just waiting….

  2. Jeff

    I saw the writing on the wall so I sold my equipment a month ago or so.

  3. Jon

    Internet is just like oil. Get us dependant on it and jack up the prices.

  4. Jeff

    Isn’t this a price increase as well? I thought it was $40/unlimited.

  5. Tom

    Nope they jacked us. pos $150 FiFi

  6. will


  7. will

    We already experience throttling all the time.
    This is a joke.
    VM lied to it’s customers with a classic bait and switch.
    Oh well back to millinicom,At least they have tech support and faster service even though it is more expensive.