Clear is having their best sale ever, today only. The Clear iSpot is being offered for only $20 shipped, no service or commitment required.
The Clear iSpot is designed to provide 4G mobile hotspot service to Apple Mobile Devices (iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad), but is easily modified to work with any device. Service is available for $25/month with no contract.
To purchase the iSpot at this price, you must visit Clear’s Holiday Sale microsite.
Pro tip: You can actually give any prequalification address, so long as it is in Clear 4G coverage. The shipping and billing addresses do not have to be covered with Clear service. Buy now, wait for Clear coverage in your area…
Update: The deal should also run through tomorrow, not just today as originally reported. In addition, you do have to purchase one month of Clear service ($25) during checkout. The month of prepaid service will not begin to be used, until the device is first powered on.
URL is broken. Try
Oh J/k, you fixed it! W00t awesome deal though!
There is a URL glitch affecting, which Clear just confirmed to us. If you type in a trailing / on certain pages on their web site, the link won’t load. They weren’t aware of it until we reported it, so it may be awhile for a fix.
It also requires the first month of service to be paid for upfront with this offer.
Oh it’s also not just today only. All of their other deals for the 5 day sale will still be available until midnight Friday
Yes, you do have to pay for the first month of service. However, Clear is telling us that it is different from past offerings.
The first month of service will not be triggered until you power on the unit. So, you can wrap it as a present and not start the 30 days until you’re actually ready.
We have updated the post to reflect that the sale should last through tomorrow.
I just ordered my iSpot and am expecting delivery today. This is a pretty sharp deal, but my Visa got dinged for $56 and change. The invoice said that after tax, I should only be charged $46.20. Today the charge has changed from “pending” to “nowhere to be found”, and in fact, Clear has no pending or successful charges at all.
I’m excited by this deal, but based on all the trouble Clear has been having and how strangely this order has been handled, I’m also excited that it’s only month-to-month.
I was also pinned with the $56 on my card as well it’s only pending though, so hopefully it will go back to being $46.20