HP has begun to release what may be the first television commercial for the Palm Pre 2. The video appears to be a designed-for-web teaser video, but may mark a major shift in marketing for Palm.
A large part of Palm’s failure as an independent company can be blamed on poor marketing for the Palm Pre. At a time when Palm was arguably above and beyond both iOS and Android, the company’s advertisements ignored its technical prowess. Instead, they featured scary women and poorly-woven still-shot ads with lots of people smiling. In short, it’s hard to find someone that will even argue those ads were successful.
This new ad takes a departure from the failed Palm ads of old. Instead it focuses on webOS 2.0, and “the fastest Palm smartphone yet.” The ad features transitioning stills that focus purely on webOS features that remain potent opposition, and are largely reasons that HP acquired Palm months ago. The ad’s timing of 34 seconds also indicates that it may serve as a 30 second ad spot, part of Palm’s presumed re-launch campaign.
The Palm Pre Plus will be launched on Verizon Wireless, in the coming months. Palm has yet to confirm other carriers for the device, and Verizon has already end-of-lifed the original Pre Plus from their lineup.
HP Palm Pre 2 Introduction Video (H.264, 3.8 MB)