As expected, AT&T has launched the Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Android device. The X10 features a 1GHz Snapdragon processor running Android 1.6 while featuring Sony Ericsson’s Timescape and Mediascape applications for communication and media management.
The X10 also features a 4.0 inch F-WVGA 480 x 854 resolution scratch resistant touch display, an 8.1 megapixel camera that supports geo-tagging, face/smile detection, image stabilization, autofocus and flash along with support for 720p video recording. It also features Bluetooth with stereo audio support, GPS and Wi-Fi radio.
The X10 is available from AT&T for $349.99 with No Commitment, or $149.99 after new 2 year agreement, while LetsTalk is offering the device for $89.99 after a $110 instant discount and waived activation fee.
Buy the Xperia X10 from AT&T
Buy the AT&T Xperia X10 from LetsTalk