Within a day of Google releasing their first major Android NDK update, a tool that allows for native code to be run in Android applications, Palm has followed suit with a release of their similar too.
The Palm PDK Public Beta is now available for download, and is the first time that most developers will be able to being working with supported, native code on the webOS platform.
Oddly, the beta leaves out support for developing inside of Linux, the underlying operating system that powers Palm’s webOS and its native code. However, with support for both Visual Studio (Windows) and Xcode (Mac) out of the box, developers will be able to start taking advantage of both C/C++, SDL, and OpenGL ES immediately.
Palm has also committed to offering support for native code standards, such as WebGL, later this year. Palm touts the PDK as being consistent with their web-centric strategy, promoting the PDK as offering similar functionality for developers of webOS apps, as plug-ins do inside a web browser on a computer.