Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

4 responses to “webOS 1.4 Rollout for Palm Pre Now Expected on Thursday”

  1. chris milette

    this is sooo hilarious. why? because you’re SOO off. if you knew ANYTHING about palm and it’s 4 new phones, you’d know that the update to 1.4 webOS has yet to be officially stated by palm. has rumored that 1.4 was set to arrive on the 15th, not sprint. the intel was supposedly from sprint, but that hasn’t been confirmed. also has romored once again that 1.4 is to arrive thursday for the palm pixi and pre modules. if there’s anyone to blame, it’s verizon. when palm releases an update, it goes to the developers for application updates (if needed), then to the respective carriers. sprint has more than likely accepted the update, but I guess palm is waiting on verizon to finish testing the update fully, or what they believe suits fit, so they can be assured it’s right for the customer. palm is not responsible for verizon’s lag or’s unforgiving rumors.
    by the way, rhe 1.4 webOS update will include 3D gaming and 10.1 flash capabiliry for the pre phones only. video editing and recording are for both the pre and pixi modules. so ta-huh get it straight 😛
    besides, palm promised at CES that the update’ll be here by the end of feb, so if you’re that needy, it shouldn’t be that hard for you to wait. GOSH. and if you do feel the need, be sure to contact palm support if you fail to see the update on your respective webOS device after 12:00am pacific standard time march 1st 2010.

  2. Jason

    Sprint probbably did send out that internal communication but it was really just a heads up to sprint from Palm. Ultimatly Palm’s just trying to get the best OS out there that they can and speaking for myself I’d rather wait a couple days then get an OS with bugs.

  3. webOS 1.4 Rollout for Palm Pre Now Expected on Thursday, February 25th – | Latest in Tech News

    […] Link: webOS 1.4 Rollout for Palm Pre Now Expected on Thursday, February 25th – […]

  4. Palm Preがダメな理由 « wwnjp's Blog

    […] Palm Preがダメな理由 By wwnjp 2009å¹´1月のCES(国際家電ショー)で目玉出展とまで言われ、多くの面でiPhoneを上回ると評されていたPalm Preだが、辛口のコメントもある。 Business Insiderには3週間余りでVerizonに端末を返したというSachin Agarwal氏のブログ記事が紹介されている。従来の評価では、同じマルチタッチでも画面下部のGesture Barのお陰で片手でも操作しやすい点、複数アプリケーションを同時に走らせることができるマルチタスク(「カード」のメタファー)、Facebookã‚„Gmailなどとスムーズに連携するweb OS、ワイヤレス充電(別売)、300万画素のフラッシュ付きカメラなどもあって、iPhoneの評価を上回っていたはずだった。 Palm Preは、米国ではSprint Nextelが2009å¹´6月に独占販売(2年契約で199.99ドル)したが、そのわずか半年後の2010å¹´1月にVerizonも取扱いを開始(2年契約で149.99ドル)。 前掲のブログ記事によると、現行のPalm Pre Plusはタッチスクリーンの感度が悪く、バッテリーが16時間しか保たず、コピー&ペーストがまともに出来ない、GPS精度もダメで、さらに(これはPalmの直接的な責任ではないが)、アプリケーション群にもがっかりで、テキスト編集も上手くできないという。そして、唯一良いのは「”カード”のメタファーが使える”Synergy”機能くらいのもの」と手厳しい。 2月24日にはwebOS 1.4のリリースが噂され、また5月にはAT&Tã‚‚Preを売り出すとされているが、Androidを交えたiPhoneとの三つ巴の戦いが続きそうだ。(幸野百太郎) […]