Photos & Details: CTIA Day One

Photos and details from the show floor at CTIA Wireless 2007. Today, we’ll take a look at Google, Microsoft, MobiTV, Nokia, Samsung, and Sprint (together with WiMAX). Read more to see all about it.

As with all of our expo coverage, all photos are simulcast in high definition, simply click on any photo to see it in HD.


Sprint had a couple of products on show, a group of Flippers Upstages, with and without Battery Wallet. Also featured is the new Sanyo SCP-7050, the first CDMA phone with an autonomous GPS receiver (which can be used without a network signal, unlike gpsOne).

However, the most important and interesting part of Sprint’s booth was their WiMAX demonstration. The company showed off an array of Samsung-powered WiMAX devices, from WiMAX-enabled data cards, to WiMAX-enabled Ultra Mobile PCs.

{mospagebreak title=Google, MobiTV}

Both Google and MobiTV showed off new booths this year. Google showed up for the first time at CTIA, but did not announce anything at the show. They did confirm that LG phones shipping later this year would include Google applications (such as Maps for Mobile). MobiTV touted their existing product offerings.

{mospagebreak title=Samsung}


Samsung was short on product announcements, beyond the existing announcement of the Samsung Upstage on Sprint. They did however show off their foreign Ultra line, The Simpsons Movie promotional material, and their foreign Ultra line of phones.

We asked if the Simpsons limited edition phone pictured below would be sold in stores. We were told there were no plans to at this time.

{mospagebreak title=Nokia}


Nokia did not show off any CDMA phones this time around, continuing to cause confusion about the current state of Nokia on CDMA. The Nokia 7088 was absent from the booth completely, and the significant Nokia CDMA team presence that was at last year’s show is absent as well.

Nokia did have good news for the United States though. The long-awaited Nokia N75 has been re-branded as the Nokia N76 with American UMTS support and AT&T branding. Also confirmed is the Nokia E90, which was loaded with T-Mobile branding. This appears to confirm that the Nokia E90 will indeed supports UMTS 1700 MHz.

{mospagebreak title=Microsoft}


Microsoft had a plethora of new Windows Mobile devices. Some from lesser-known companies such as ASUS, others from developing companies such as i-mate. The i-mate SPL which we saw last year is now avilable in colors, and the JAQ which we showed last year has been replaced with the JAQ4.

Motorola also had a presence with the previously-announced Q GSM and q9. Finally, HP showed off their first Smartphone, the iPaq 510.